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Dark Matter 2, mixed media, puzzles, latex satin paint on canvas

72"h x 48"w x 10"d Jeffrey Wilcox Paclipan  (visit to see orignal art review)

In Something Out of Nothing, at Chastain Arts Center, Jeffrey Wilcox Paclipan & Sabre Esler, Atlanta-based artists with mixed-medium practices, present two very different yet complementary approaches to the relationship between line and form, between two-dimensional and three-dimensional.  Paclipan takes a constructive approach and creates sculptural paintings out of flat, linear, objects.  Esler works in the other direction, deconstructing amorphous forms into their two-diensional base.

Paclipan's best works are his puzzle paintings, in which jigsaw puzzle pieces are used to construct sculptural paintings.  Rather then the thick impasto of oil paint, Paclipan piles the cardboard pieces on top of each other to create

undulating masses arranged in sweeping curvilinear planes, like heavy brushstrokes on a canvas. Some examples, like the moody Dark Matter 2, are also covered in paint, in this case, jet black---offering a new take on minimalist monochromatic painting.  Some, like Butterfly Affect, are raw puzzle pieces with bits of their original graphics.  These make for equally compelling works.  The construction is very clean and professional; there's just enough of a patina of glue to hold everything together but not so much that it takes on an arts-and-crafts, clumpy look too much glue congealing in one place. 


Art Review by Matthew Terrell

February 27, 2018

details on jeffrey wilcox paclipan

Something Out of Nothing-Exhibition/Installation

Chastain Arts Center, AT, GA  -

January 26 through March 10, 2018

Artist talks March 3, 2pm

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